Spirit in the sky
I went to two funerals this week. One for a favourite uncle, held in his sunny back garden in south London – a joyous and beautiful day.
Read MoreI went to two funerals this week. One for a favourite uncle, held in his sunny back garden in south London – a joyous and beautiful day.
Read MoreQ: Online networking is all well and good, but is there a limit to how many people you can meet during one session?
Read MoreI’m reluctant to speak too soon about fully coming out of lockdown, even though it seems like that’s already happened.
Read MoreI think that, as this is my website, I can pretty much write what I like. So I have done.
Read MoreYou will often hear journalists talk about the eclectic nature of their work: it’s why we love what we do.
Read MoreFor many people life has been far from ‘business as usual’ since the coronavirus locked the world away, but it didn’t take long (for those of us who were able) to develop new ways of working.
Read MoreIf there’s one good reason for having a socially distanced doorstep meeting today
Read MoreIt's a little known fact – or possibly hugely obvious – that I'm a not-so-old hippy at heart.
Read MoreIn these weird lockdown times, trusted suppliers have never been more important
Read MorePlenty has been blogged, posted and twitted, of late, about working from home, but I spy a gap in the market.
Read MoreUsually I go on about the things that I can do, but there are some things that just won’t ever work for me
Read MoreFirst rule of Networking Club (ours, at least) is that we don’t duplicate professions:
Read MoreI’m starting the new year with a 10-foot tall ‘sorry’ sign: a cat or dog-shaped sign, depending on your persuasion, and it applies to a large number of people but mainly goes out to our son, who I feel I have let down considerably of late.
Read MoreSpoke to Dad just now. He was three quarters of the way through his Christmas card list and wilting slightly.
Read MoreI’ve just started a book club over on FB. I had asked for Kindle recommendations and was immediately swamped by a high tide of suggestions.
Read MoreWhy do I write so much about baking (and sometimes running), when this is essentially a words website?
Read MoreSpooks and frights come out tonight for that dark and eerie ritual known as Hallowe’en. In the leafy northern heights of London’s Hampstead, this annual event has turned into a proper festival.
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