Making a point

The first paragraph, preferably sentence, of any business blog should include the main drive. I’ve been thinking about this lately, as all my posts on here are in the ‘lifestyle’ realm (for work-related blogs, see my How To guides). I’m fine with this, it’s how I work and what I do. But if I ever wanted to go down a more structural route, there’s plenty I could do.

I could include bullet points to:
• highlight ideas
• emphasise different topics
• provide a level of clarity

I could simplify my images, making them black and white like the very first one or simple, unfiltered, and relevant to the accompanying words. I usually inset them or align them to a specific section, instead of placing them large as headers.

It’s important to include to include links to other sections to emphasise what I do, and help signpost readers to other things I do, also to hold my readers within the site for longer.

Happy blogging. You’re welcome.