Happy birthday Wordfairy

Wordfairy is a year old this month. There’ll be no cake, it doesn’t fit the new health regime. And there’s no room for a party, as we already had a small one back in June for someone 49 years older (pleaseandthankyou). I’ll be quietly celebrating by attending the September meet of my networking group, the one that has put me in touch with so many of my current clients.
Since launching as Wordfairy I’ve worked with businesses of varying shapes, sizes and brands, requiring all kinds of word lengths, turnaround times, genres of speech and such. Every time I interview a new client I get an insight into someone else’s life, because to write a profile page (which is so often part of what I do) I have to understand what’s for sale, for whom and from whom, and what kind of voice is needed.
I don’t always get it right first time: I might think I know what a client wants but sometimes it takes more than one go to really get into character. And sometimes the client thinks they know what they want, but as work progresses, new ideas formulate. Luckily, changing on the hoof can be even more exciting for a writer than following a briefing from the outset.
And now autumn is on the way and Wordfairy is one. Summer stopped play for a short while (though several projects bubbled away on the backburner). Over the last two months the office has undergone a house move, there’s been a festival, a road trip to Devon, and a week in Croatia. Now the passports are packed away, schoolbags are restocked, we all have new satchels and salad is once again headlining the carb-free menu for me and Mr WF – time to put on my wings and head to the first networking lunch of the new working year.
Happy birthday Wordfairy, can’t wait to see what happens in year two.