And now for something completely different

Whose bright idea was it to take up an MA two days before her 55th birthday, right at the start of summer with a full house? That’ll be me.

I didn't love the start of this year, and it didn't love me. I looked at ways of dealing with my general malcontent. My work had changed, the sun had disappeared (metaphorically and actually), and everyone around me was having a tough time too. I set about sorting myself out and kept coming back to one question: what did I love to do?

There is an annoying place that we’re required to visit when we’re taking a long and clinical look at our work. It can be found in the self-help section of our career health supermarket: it is the Why aisle.

Yes, I hate Why shopping and would much rather loiter by the puddings section. All the same, I pushed a shopping trolley up and down that Why aisle for a long time, before selecting the same old thing I love to do – creative writing. To be specific, a two-year helping of Creative Writing at MA level. Opportunity led me to a university on the south coast that was launching a suite of new MA courses, one of which sounded perfect. I did some more research, applied, had several phone calls, ferreted in the loft for my dusty old education certificates. And then I signed on the line.

Fortune favours the bold, and this bold person really is very lucky. I’m grateful to be in a situation where I can take the path less travelled. The course is part-time so I can still work, but that work will narrow to the roles I only really want to do, because from the looks of the course requirements I won’t have time to save the world. At least, not until June 2026.

There have been several hilarious comments about fresher's week in NW3, puking in the family bathroom, parties in our annexe, road signs dragged into the bedroom. All very funny but I wasn't laughing when I saw the reading list. I will need nudging, so if you see me anywhere other than workspace, library, bookshop, zoom room, send me back to my books immediately.

Check out my new satchel. Can I borrow your pencil sharpener?