For someone launching a brand new website that promises to put words to pages, admitting that I didn’t know the first thing about web design has been the first step to what I hope will be my success, the idea being that I’ll never know if I don’t ask. The second step is to pay it forward: a favour should always be returned, so if my web-savvy friends help me, then I’ll return the favour by doing something useful for them, and so it continues.
If you’re reading this you’ll see I did in the end successfully launch Wordfairy, with help from those tech-tastic friends to whom I will one day reciprocate. Right now what I need is another cup of tea and the nice postie to bring me my new business cards.
How about you? What is it you need? How can I help? If it’s words, editing, blogging, profile pages or just a chat about content, you’ve come to the right place. Click here to find out more.
Here’s to PROGRESS (Forward or onward movement towards a destination, says OED).