High profile
Christmas came early to my blog page, in the form of a great new profile pic.
Read MoreChristmas came early to my blog page, in the form of a great new profile pic.
Read MoreThere may be some mention of running on my Insta feed from time to time.
Read MoreHow’s the start of the working week for you?
Read MoreThe first paragraph, preferably sentence, of any business blog should include the main drive.
Read MoreJust popping out of this raggedy bowl of earth is a tiny green shoot. It’s hard to spot but it’s there. I know because I planted it, watered it and went and poked it earlier today. Finally, it’s coming through, and its growth doesn’t seem to be dependent on the weather or the warmth.
Read MoreMany good things start with a C. Christmas. Cushions. Cats. The one I’m thinking of today (no, not that one) is Collaboration. Last week I went to a friend’s house
Read MoreFound my O and A-Level certificates the other day. The latter is heading towards a frame (#smugface). The former, notsomuch. I really had no idea what I was doing when I took those exams, aged only just 16 (French was on my actual birthday). If there’s one thing my teenage self never dreamed she would do
Read MoreFor someone launching a brand new website that promises to put words to pages, admitting that I didn’t know the first thing about web design has been the first step to what I hope will be my success, the idea being that I’ll never know if I don’t ask. The second step is to pay it forward: a favour should always be returned, so if my web-savvy friends help me, then I’ll return the favour by doing something useful for them, and so it continues.
If you’re reading this you’ll see I did in the end successfully launch Wordfairy, with help from those tech-tastic friends to whom I will one day reciprocate. Right now what I need is another cup of tea and the nice postie to bring me my new business cards.
How about you? What is it you need? How can I help? If it’s words, editing, blogging, profile pages or just a chat about content, you’ve come to the right place. Click here to find out more.
Here’s to PROGRESS (Forward or onward movement towards a destination, says OED).